Located in the heart of the village of Santar, Casa Iberico Nogueira is a good example of an urban house from Beira with an agricultural past. Built in granite, it has two floors and an attic. Initially, the ground floor corresponded to agricultural dependencies and the first floor served as residence for the masters of the house. Apparently, this construction is from the early 19th century. The house and the associated farm would be acquired by a public deed in 1900 by Manuel Joaquim dos Santos, the paternal great-grandfather of the current owners. His daughter Maria Celeste married António Ibérico Nogueira in 1914 and received the house as a wedding gift from her parents, where the couple moved in until at some point it became a family vacation home. His grandson, Francisco, a distinguished Doctor from the University of Coimbra married Maria Emília Osório do Amaral e Sousa Pinto da Cunha Mora, from Casa de Almeidinha, introduced several improvements in the house in the 1960s and again in the 1980s. After the death of Francisco Ibérico Nogueira, in 2009, the property of the Casa dos Linhares was inherited by his son João, who shares the usufruct with several of his brothers.
From the patio behind the house, there is an immense view both over the new vegetable gardens, created under the Santar Vila Jardim Project, and the Casa de Santar e Magalhães, with the Serra da Estrela mountain-range in the background.
The route offered to the visitor begins in Linhares, belonging to the Casa de Santar e Magalhães. Ibérico Nogueira Garden is in a higher share compared to Linhares, on a gentle slope, with around 8500 m2, it is composed of orchards and vegetable gardens, confined by vines, where organic farming is promoted and the cultivation is of the responsibility of some people from Santar. A wisteria pergola, in granite and iron structure, was built to unite this garden and the Linhares Garden to the south, and thus allow the circulation of visitors and vegetable garden users.
The vegetable garden of the Santar Vila Jardim Project, adjacent to the Linhares Garden, designed by the landscape architect Fernando Caruncho, is an area that brings visitors to a journey that combines traditional agricultural with more contemporary cultures recently introduced in Portuguese cuisine, in which the vineyard is always present and establishes the connection between them.
This landscape, which occupies approximately 0.6ha, is made up of 17 parcels with different types of plantations such as orchard and culinary aromatic plants. All areas are surrounded by vineyards.
These gardens are managed to follow the best ecological measures, favouring the methods used in organic farming, namely regarding phytosanitary treatments. The grouping of horticultural plants within each area respects the "good" fellowship of crops, as well as the sustainable rotation in succession of crops, and all traditional horticultural activities accompany the lunar calendar.
In order to promote the inclusion of the inhabitants of the locality in this project, four portions were attributed to local families who, under the guidance of an agronomist, practiced traditional agriculture in biological molds in these same areas.
The orchard is composed of 4 distinct areas: one with apple and pear trees; one with plum and apricot trees; the other with pomegranate trees; and a fourth with red fruits, namely blueberries and currant bushes.
The horticultural occupies 10 portions, 5 destined to annual horticultural and the remaining 5 destined to permanent horticultural. With regard to annual horticulture, regional varieties are preferred. Among the permanent crops the visitor will find asparagus, artichokes, strawberries among others.
The culinary aromatic plants, nowadays indispensable, are distributed in an area where the visitor can enjoy an explosion of aromas that will take them to a warm Mediterranean environment. Among others you can experience the aromas of thyme, oregano, marjoram, lovage and chives.