Casa da Magnólia Garden

Casa da Magnólia is next to the Casa de Santar e Magalhães. Owned by the family Pinto Amaral Homem, its name is due to Maria Adelaide Portugal, who wanted to pay homage to a two-hundred-year-old magnolia tree in the garden. The origin of this house dates back to the 17th century, when Francisco Pinto came from Azinhaga to Santar, with his sons, the abbot Sebastião Pinto and Pedro Coelho Rosado. In 1727, one of the descendants of the latter, Francisco Pinto Coelho Homem Rosado de Sampaio, Chief-Captain of the Council of Senhorim, married Maria Teresa de Portugal Mendonça Cabral. The property was made up pf two dozen peripheral lands, dispersed by the localities of Santar, Moreira and Casal Sancho and were destined for sowing, olive grove, vines, gorse, and pine forests.

Nowadays, in addition to the imposing magnolia tree, in the garden of the house there are numerous camellia trees, a granite tank and a well. In an area that was of cultivation, there is a new garden vine surrounded by boxwood. The paths lead the visitor to walk through the garden and admire the landscape with the Serra da Estrela mountain-range in the background. From this last level you can access the Garden of the Casa de Santar e Magalhães through a staircase, also built under the Santar Vila Jardim project.

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